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Why Should I Be Interested In Mortgage Protection?

A house is the largest investment that most people will ever make. However, your house is more than just a large investment, it is your home. It is a place where memories are made, a place were you and your loved ones come together for shelter and protection. It is important that your home is protected should you face turbulent times. While death is not a topic we like to dwell on, it is an inevitable fact of life. If you die and your family can not afford to make the mortgage payments they will lose that protection that you have worked so hard to provide for them.

Mortgage protection policies do much more than pay off your home in the event of an unexpected tragedy. Depending on your eligibility they can provide you with many valuable features.

Death - If you or your spouse dies, the policy will provide money that can be used to pay off your mortgage. Without this coverage your family would be faced with two options. The first option they face is give up the home. The second option they face is to make the payments. For many families the later is simply not an option.

Disability - If you or your spouse are injured or become ill, the policy will provide you with the money you need to continue making your payments despite not being able to work.

Unemployment - If you or your spouse is laid off, the policy will continue to make your premium payments (for a limited time) while you are looking for new employment. You are free to look for a new job without the added stress of wondering how you will make your premium payments.

Level Premium/Benifits - This feature allows you to rest easy knowing that your premium payments will never increase and your coverage will never decrease!

Return Of Premiums - Perhaps the most exciting feature of the policy, it can return all of your premium payments if the benefits are never used! That is correct, if you never use the benefits of the policy you will receive tax-free money equivalent to every penny you put into the policy!

Don't you think you owe it to yourself and your family to hear more about mortgage protection insurance? We would like to put you in contact with a licensed insurance agent, in your area, that can speak directly with you about these issues. There is absolutely no cost and absolutely no obligation to purchase anything if you decide to complete the information form. Simply, locate the username and password on the letter that you received from us and enter that information in the top right hand corner of this page and click "login".